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Health Guide for Expecting Mothers

Pregnancy is all in all a new change in a woman’s life. It is a mixed feeling of joy and anxiety for expecting mothers, as they spend time waiting to welcome their bundle of joy. Pregnancy is a vital phase of a woman’s life driven by physical and emotional changes. So, here we have a health guide to help you manage your most precious time in the healthiest way to welcome your child to this world.

Below Are The Tips:

1.Follow a healthy diet:

Providing the right nutrition to your baby starts at the early stage of pregnancy. Include colored fresh fruits, veggies, whole grain foods; milk and meat products rich in Folates that help in brain development of the fetus. Follow the food pyramid and include all the food groups in the right way possible to provide enough nourishment for yourself and your baby.

Staying hydrated is very much necessary during pregnancy. So, be sure to drink eight glasses of water daily and avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeinated drinks as they are harmful to both mother and child.

To avoid congenital disorders caused due to poor nutrition, take the supplements as directed by your doctor as they play a pivotal role in the overall development of the fetus throughout your pregnancy.

2. Meet your doctor regularly:

Regular health assessments are essential to ensure the healthy development of your baby, all through the trimesters of your pregnancy till the childbirth. Pregnant women with certain complications should follow the instructions and safety tips as directed by the doctor and maintain periodic checkups to prevent pregnancy risks. It’s also good to be aware of pediatric emergencies before child birth to be prepared for any sort of unexpected emergency.

3. Exercise regularly:

It is good to get some exercise for your body as it helps you maintain good equilibrium. Simple stretching, walking, and certain yoga postures help you a long way to put you out of stress and anxiety that most of the pregnant women face in their pregnancy period. But, be sure to do any sort of fitness exercise and yoga only under certified professional trainers.

4. Change your Daily Chores

Enjoy your daily chores of house activities without any stress, but during pregnancy, it is advised not to do heavy activities like climbing chairs, working heavy on floor cleaning, bathroom cleaning etc. Carry out your general routine like cooking, shopping whenever you get time.

5. Enjoy your leisure:

Mood swings are quite common during pregnancy, so to combat mood swings, anxiety or stress, try to indulge yourself with something interested like listening to music, playing an instrument, reading your favorite book or learn the art of your interest, just to keep yourself and your baby calm during your pregnancy. It’s very important for a pregnant woman to be peaceful and happy during her pregnancy.

6. Avoid over usage of smartphones:

Curb the over usage of smartphones during pregnancy as it is very unsafe for you and your child. These are known to generate harmful radiations that may have harmful effects on your baby during pregnancy.

7.Get some Rest:

Be sure to get sound and peaceful sleep as it helps to rejuvenate your body. Good sleep is essential for proper body functioning and to maintain a mental state of balance.

Follow the aforesaid simple tips to keep yourself and your baby healthy and happy.We also advise you to gain some knowledge on newborn care for your child that is essential at different stages of his/her babyhood so as to promote healthy growth and development.

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